Sunday, June 05, 2005


Suicide is painless?? No...probably not.

but it is NOT an option once you have children. At least that's what they say. And that's why I'm still here. Funny though, I'm depressed because of the disposition of one of my children.

That's okay though: you come into this world alone and you leave (usually) alone. So I'll be leaving HER alone.

Who is HER?? Mother. That's how she will be referred to from now on, if there's reference at all. Try to drive a wedge and do it your way?? I told them you would do this, and they didn't believe me. That's okay, you made your play: game over.

GAME OVER. I'm grown and I don't have to deal with the bullshit. GAME OVER. Independent since 1995. Funny you wanna act like you were always I couldn't have done it without you. But I IDID do it without you. I couldn't have made it through without D.G.

And you want to talk about things I "borrowed" and didn't return. How the fuck you gonna say I "borrowed" the bike pump and didn't return it. I've moved 4 times with it in my possession...the first time was when I was moving from your house. Duh! And that's not the first time you've made that comment about borrowing shit.

Okay: tit for tat?? You want it; got it. You borrowed money off my Discover card and didn't put it all back, leaving BIG balances because you didn't have the money to pay the rent. Same with Visa Gold. You paid for your wedding dress and acoutrement with my Robinsons-May card...never fully paid that back (and that balance was ZERO when you used it!!) My American Express? You paid it (over time) but got it cancelled because you charged what you couldn't afford to pay off in full. I think you're into me for a good $7000, if you wanna tit for tat. And you'll say that I owe you $750 from moving into this house. True. But recently when going through my old check registers I see checks with your name on them labeled "help". Hmmm...I think we're even on the $750.

That's okay though because GAME OVER. I've done fine on my own. You get an attitude when you can't get in my business as you like to be. Well, I'm not one of your sad sorry sack friends who you gripe about to me....but smile at and visit with. You told me before that I hurt your feelings about some bullshit a while back. Oh well. That was how I really felt, and as I crest and cross over 30, I have no desire to stifle my true feelings. That was the past, for the birds. You liked to say how I was just like my father in that respect. The tradition of the genes continues.
I get more grown everyday, and have learned to deal with and speak the truth. Whatever that may be. I will not be like you and make it more palatable to myself by twisting it. I'll deal with this situation, but when it is done, GAME OVER. Have your fun because it's all over.


Zodiac Digital said...

marry me.

Book said...

^^ FOOL!! lmao