Saturday, January 01, 2011

The new math...of men

It's the new year, and I am bringing no drama from the last into the new. But there are some things about men that will follow me into subsequent years because I still, at my supposedly wiser age, don't understand.
My boy has offered to hip me to some "knowledge" that I apparently don't know yet. Mkay...I'll take him up on his offer.


I met this dude the Monday before Xmas. It was a business situation and I was NOT thinking about any shenanigans, let alone meeting anyone. I was trying to take care of business that day. So, dude, who is head of some department, comes over to offer some assistance. The assistance proves to be helpful, so okay. Somewhere in the interaction, it becomes slightly flirtatious, but not overly so. Friendly flirting, kinda.
My ride has to leave and he assures my driver that I'll get home safely if "...[he] has to drive me home or come get me to take me home..." It was raining torrents that day and I was far from home.
At the end of it all, he continues going the extra mile in this whole deal and gives me his business card. Prior to putting me in my car, he tells me to give him a call to let him know I made it safe. I told him my phone number was also on the form he had, as well. this point, we're both flirting outright.

It takes me 2 hours to get close to home...and I call him. We talk briefly...he asks what's a good time to call me later. I tell him...he calls. We talk that night for almost 4 hours. Nice.

We talk every night after that; every day, too, at least once during daylight hours. Night conversations are much longer than day conversations, but there are at least "...Good morning... have a good day..." day time greetings.

He lives about 50 miles from me. He works 15 minutes from where he lives. Hurdle. Not a big one, but big enough for making meeting up during the week very difficult, since he has live-in kids and so do I. He says he's coming into the area for Xmas, and maybe we could meet up, say hi again, in person. Okay...we'll see.

We talk up until that day...we talk Xmas morning, too. I call him Xmas evening when I leave my mom's house. We talk; he's got to work out logistics for the visit, but he'll call me back. I don't hear from him.
He calls me the next morning on the way to his second job. We don't talk that evening due to the nature of that job. He calls me the next morning. We talk later that evening, too.
The week before he'd brought up wanting to get together on NYE. That's high pressure, high "expectation". I didn't put any real credence into it. So now, we're talking about getting together prior to Friday just to refresh each other on one another.
I tell him that I have Wednesday free..let's do it.
So Wednesday, I don't hear from him until it's a bit late to make plans and execute.
Next morning ...we talk again. He says he's going to call me later that afternoon so we can plan something.
After I get off work and get settled, I give a jingle: no answer. 'k.

NYE morning, I give a jingle just to say... no answer. 'right.

I text him (we had texted but usually talked since his phone has certain texting methods blocked) and say, "I guess we had a "phone breakup". Happy New Year!"

So what's that about? That's the new "how you do it"??
If that's the new math, I refuse.

Happy new year to me.

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