Saturday, April 02, 2005

That's just nassssstay!!!

Let me first start by saying that I don't care if a dude/chick wants to be gay. I might have some gay tendencies myself. I can appreciate the hell out of a nice looking chick. I might be given to staring at certain body parts...even her face. But that might make me covetous, not gay. Don't matter. I've appreciated a woman, but I've never taken it to that level: a sexual level. Heck, I even dig SOME woman/woman porn, but who doesn't.
Whatever. If one day I become gay, I will most def be on the up and up and OUT about it.
Which brings me to this---->

WHY, oh why oh why??? did my girl/my best friend/my kids' Godmother tell me what she heard about my son's sperm donor??
And this is how it went down. {fuck punctuation and proper sentence/paragraph structure...I'm telling a story: don't edit, read.}
My girl, call her E...her husband bowls at the same spot the sperm donor does. It goes back a while and I don't feel like typing the whole story out right now, but that mufucker is on the DL, but not really. He's on the DL because he hasn't come out, but I guess he's coming more and more out of the closet.
Here's a smidge back story:
Long after we broke up, I still had some old shit on my 'puter that he'd put there. He had the stuff password protected. So I'd called him one day when he was acting like an adult and asked him for the password. He gave me two. Tried one, didn't work; the other did. So I deleted the stuff off my puter.
I got curious and nosey and felt like doing I typed up his email addy, just to see if it would work. It did. Why were my suspicions 'bout dat mufucka confirmed?? This nigga had all kinds of correspondence from women (random chicks he'd meet and fuck), but I already knew he was unfaithful...that's one of many reasons we broke up. But not just women, MEN TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND, it get's better. That day, he hadn't checked his email for a few I scroll down the list of legit stuff, junk, and ass mails...and see a birthday notice from a GAY site. I click that mufucka. It's telling him happy birthday...and reminds him of his password and user name. I go to the site...log in...and check his profile: why is this nigga's name "Bigdicklover"???? Any of yall know him??
It goes on to list out his vital the question of "it's a mistake" is a nogo. And it lists what he's looking for in a man, one qual. is "...a big dick to suck and get fucked by..." I'm so shocked. and yet I'm rollin' on da mufuckin' flo' at the same time. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....

and I'm glad that when I ended that relationship, I pronto had myself tested for everything under the mufuckin sinful sun...and I came up NEGATIVE on all.

Now see, the funny thing is that when we broke up, I thought about posting the naked pics I took of him on a gay site. Why? Because in those pics, that nigga looked fruitier than a box of loops, and there was nothing erotic or arousing (for me) in them. It was as if I was a professional photog that he was posing for...for homoerotic literature. I couldn't get wet off those pics if I was hip deep in the Pacific Ocean. Alas, I didn't have to send them in: the nigga sought out gay sites for himself.

Of course, E, being my girl...I told her all about my discoveryl. And I lamented that DAMN, I even had a child with this fucka.

Now...back to today..and the convo my girl tells me about. Sperm donor's phone is d/c. This has happened many times due to his triflingness...but he's gotten it reconnected. Now, however, it's not. So I was gon' go up to the bowling center and ask him, Nigga where the child support? {the fucka is also a deadbeat...won't even keep a steady, permanent gig so the county can garnish his wages}. But I had way betta shit to do last night, and I'm sick, so I didn't. He bowled as usual last night...and E's husband was there.

Now E has shared this DL info with her husband...who's shared it with his boy who plays b-ball on the same team as sperm donor. E's hub just told his boy, basically, watch out. Here's the shit that had all the boys like, Fuck dis nigga, last night. Mind you, all the friends that sperm donor had and made while I was with him are gone because he showed his bullshit on everything from money (borrowing and never repaying or leaving bad debts) to whatever (letting folks down on all kinds of misc. shit) at one point or another with those friends. I still see some of those folks, and they're like, "Fuck that nigga...." Not for my benefit, but he burned his bridges.


Last night the fellas are drinking and bowling, and between turns to bowl, they're playing tackle football in the cleared out areas. E's hubby's boy tackles sperm donor. While they're still laying on the floor after the tackle sperm donor says, loud enough for most of the fellas to hear, "Aaw naw, you gon' have to fuck me tonight!"
E's hubby said they looked at sperm donor, and he was serious. Hubby said they all broke out, away from that nigga. She said her hubby came home puzzled , like "Did this nigga really say that?"

Get this: sperm donor got MARRIED, and has ANOTHER child on the way. But he talking 'bout fuckin' men, too??

Ahhhhhhhhhhh....the joy I feel about having removed myself from that situation. But I'm still rolling....

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