Sunday, March 27, 2005

A Wasted Day??

Okay well damn. I have been in front of this fuckin' computer all damn day.
Well, I did go away for a little while when I got on my skates with BigSon, tryna teach him how to roller skate.My momma bought him some skates for his bday in January.
I had actually planned to go roller skating this evening, since it's usually family skate night..but since it's a holiday they're not open for the earlier hours.
I haven't been on skates in 3 years, and before that, in 6 years, and before that, 10 years +. I broke my ankle roller skating on the sidewalk when I was 12 years old. For many moons after that I was scared to skate.
6-7 years ago, I bought some more skates...and just hadn't gotten up the courage to go...
My ex went skating religiously every week.And I found out why: it's like the club up in the roller rink. Niggas hooking up and 'causing scandals and shit.
It's more than just family leisure and entertainment.
Back when I went skating with him, I was pregnant, so I was scared of busting my ass on my embryo/fetus.
Today, was cool, no fear, and I was actually steady. I'm going to need to practice to get back to being fluid, but I skated around the yard pretty well. BigSon has some learning to do, but he was a'ight.

Anyway...I guess I'm going to work an extra few hours in the next pay cycle so I don't disrupt my budget, so I can get my Ipod.
I seriously need one. I have completely filled up that memory card I bought (for my palm) with today's downloads. And it was empty before.
Best buy has a 30 gig Ipod for $349...and the F.M. transmitter (so I can listen to my music in my car) for $39.

Ah, here I come to join the ranks of the consumer gadget addicts. I already have this and that, now I'll be adding another. They serve a purpose I suppose.

Off now to cook dinner...for tomorrow. No cooking after coming in from work tomorrow, so I'll cook tonight. What was TONIGHT'S dinner??: Healthy Choice instant entrees.

It's Easter but and....I don't do bunnies and celebrate some commercial shit like that. Only for Christmas.

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