Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ready to do

This broad here!! Read the following. I LOVE this chick:

"I had been single for 9 years since my last relationship (some cut buddies and losers in between but single nonetheless). And in those nine years, I would say that in the last 5 years, I really thought I KNEW myself and what I wanted and didn't want and needed and so on.

I had met tons of "potentials" but nobody that really hit the mark. It's partially being "ready" and partially "being ready to be single for the rest of your life."

I know it sounds crazy but when [her current dude] and I were EXTRA platonic friend we were talking about love and relationships and he said to me, "you know ... you really aren't ready to be in a relationship until you're ready to be single for the rest of your life."

I thought about it and it made sense. When you're ready to REALLY say "fuck it, I don't care" is when things aren't as desperate. A lot of women don't really believe they are being desperate but there are things that we do that are desperate acts like PAYING FOR SHIT because they don't have it or ACCEPTING SHIT that you KNOW you shouldn't because you are little worried that you're getting old and that there's a chance that you might miss the boat.

You ACT different when you are REALLY ready to be single for your whole entire life. I know I did. At 29 years old, I arrived. Fuck it. Fuck you. I'm not breaking my neck just to say I got a ... you know the rest. I always say that [her dude] attempted to "break up" with me a few weeks after I visited ATL.

I told him that I completely understood (even though I didn't because I never was WITH you so why are you breaking up??) and that I thought he was a great man and that I wished him all the best. He didn't know what to do with himself.

You see, the old me would have tried to help him understand why I thought he was the one for me.
The new me don't really give a fuck.

After I sent him his well wishes he bought a plane ticket the NEXT MORNING to fly out here and confess his undying love for me.

And if it don't work out ... I'm still READY."

And so...if you stay ready...ready to do you, be you, love ain't got to get ready 'cause you're already there.

{and now...I'm so here...which is why you and he, and him, and they and them and whomever need to read this}

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